The Angel Messenger: End of Summer and Exciting Online Interactions

the angel messenger

The Angel Messenger is a weekly recap feature on the blog where I tell you what happened in the past week in my life, blog and around the blogosphere. This post links to The Sunday Post by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves by Team Tynga’s Reviews.


Two good things happened in my online life this week:

1. Hideo Muraoka liked the picture of him that I posted on Instagram! I was like pathetically shaking because if you don’t know him, you should look him up on Google or something because he’s hella hot and he can be Thierry Acosta from This Much Space by K. K. Hendin.

2. Two lovely authors followed me! The first is Danielle Paige, the author of Dorothy Must Die. I’m not a big fan of Dorothy Must Die because the main character annoyed me so much but the world-building is impressive! I didn’t expect her to follow me back because well, she’s just a NYT bestselling author.


Karen McQuestion, the author of From A Distant Star also followed me! I finished From A Distant Star this week and it’s pretty okay. The main character annoyed me again but the writing style is really good. I’ll post a full review of it.


I only have a couple more weeks of summer before I go back to the hell that is college. I’m trying to get more reading done because it’s my third year of college and I’m pretty sure it’ll be the busiest (and hellish) year.

If you noticed before, I posted a monthly recap post but I decided to just post a weekly recap because I think it’s more fun and I’m pretty sure I’ll forget some things that happened by the end of the month if I post a monthly recap.


You may have missed:

(5/18) I talked about some “Special” Books I Own.

(5/19) I participated in The Enchanted Rose blog tour. I had a review stop and there’s also two giveaways!

(5/19) I reviewed the heartbreaking sequel of Angelfall that is World After by Susan Ee.

(5/22) I reviewed End of Days, the epic conclusion of the Penryn and the End of Days trilogy by Susan Ee. I’ll miss the trilogy so much.

(5/23) I gave 12 Non-YA Books a YA Reader Should Read recommendations.

I read 3 books and 1 novella this week so that’s pretty good. I haven’t received any books for review and I haven’t bought any book this week because I’m broke.


Aimee @ Deadly Darlings spread some Blogger Love.

Are You Ever Blindly Protective Over Certain Books…like me (sometimes)?

Emily posted about her fun trip to Paris.

Ashley reviewed The Cage by Megan Shepherd.

Hazel shared her Pre-BEA Haul.

That’s it for this week!

angel heart

9 thoughts on “The Angel Messenger: End of Summer and Exciting Online Interactions

  1. Omg, congrats for those authors following you!! I ALWAYS freak out and flail when authors follow me…and AG Howard did and oh. my. hyperventilating. heart. xD She’s one of my top favourite authors. SO GO YOU! And thanks for linking to my post too!! ^-^


  2. My holiday only just started and I still have almost three months before University starts again! Also, the third year is definitely the most stressful one! I love it when authors follow back because it means you can actually interact with each other. I hope your upcoming week is great!
    My Weekly Overview
    Juli @ Universe in Words


    • It’s a good week besides the fact that I’m a little bored because I haven’t left the house hahaha. Thanks! Have a good week too. 🙂


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