The Angel Messenger: Ice Cream, Books and Procrastination

the angel messenger

The Angel Messenger is a weekly recap feature on the blog where I tell you what happened in the past week in my life, blog and around the blogosphere. This post links to The Sunday Post by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves by Team Tynga’s Reviews.


This week started me being so productive and ended me being lazy and procrastinating about every single thing. Well, except reading blogs. I made a list of what I’ll do for two days and guess what? I have only done like half of it. Sometimes I’m just so organized, most of the time not so much. Oh well.

On Friday I made a presentation on class even though and I’m not feeling well and I don’t really like what I reported but I still got a 92 for it! My friends and I celebrated our friend Alex’s birthday. Lots of ice cream and happy moments. 😀

Bookish Life

My friends and I went to the bookstore and I bought two books!

I basically picked this book up because of the title and the wings on the cover (it reminded me of Raffe’s wings).


Also because it has deckled pages!


ALSO BECAUSE IT’S ONLY 10 FREAKING PESOS!!! What a steal, right?

Shabanu had me at that Newberry Honor Book seal on the cover. Plus, it really sounds interesting.




It’s not even an ARC, it’s a signed finished copy! With wristbands and awesome bookmark!!!


I’M SOOOOO HAPPY AND EXCITED FOR THIS BOOK!! Thank you Khamicom Publishing for  sending me a copy of Mind Over Bullies by D.K. Smith.

I also received digital review copies of:

Most Likely to Succeed (Superlatives #3) by Jennifer Echols

A History of Glitter and Blood by Hannah Maskowitz

Thank you Simon Pulse and Chronicle Books!


You might have missed…

(6/28) I’m thinking of revamping my blog! Tell me what you think of some the possible blog updates!

(7/1) Read my review for Sleepless by Michael Omer. A deliciously creepy YA book!

(7/2) I reviewed another surprising book from K.K. Hendin! Beautiful Little Fool is an insanely crazy book. That plot twist AAHH!


I know I’ve mentioned that I’ve reading too many blog posts this past week but I forgot most of them and I haven’t saved them. So sorry!

So sorry for the horrible quality of my photos! Today has been so gloomy!

Tell me how your week went! Are you a crazy procrastinator too? Also, did you get lots ice cream this week?

4 thoughts on “The Angel Messenger: Ice Cream, Books and Procrastination

  1. I adore your book photography ❤ HAHAHA yeah story of my life, girl! I plan to be so productive during the Winter break and then I'm productive for one day and now all I can be bothered to do is eat, blog, read, sleep and eat (again). I love deckled pages! I know so many people who hate them but I think they're so nice xD

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww thanks Mel! I’m so jealous I want to have winter too but at least we have this gloomy weather right now. Deckled pages are life. ❤


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