The Angel Messenger: A Classic Haul

the angel messenger

The Angel Messenger is a weekly recap feature on the blog where I tell you what happened in the past week in my life, blog and around the blogosphere. This post links to The Sunday Post by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves by Team Tynga’s Reviews.


As per usual nothing really interesting happened to me this week. Well, there is this one thing that pissed me off so much and it involved a guy (hehehehe) but I shall leave it at that.

I also started doing something productive and will remain a secret until I want to talk about it. Hehehe!

My thesis buddies and I passed a couple of research titles to our adviser and I don’t know what title got approved.

Bookish Life

I didn’t finish any books this week. Gaaaah! But I started reading Pride and Prejudice again and I’m enjoying it very much.

Last Wednesday, I was bored so I went to a couple of bookstores with two of my closest friends and bought four classics. The haul made me feel a little guilty. But hey, at least I bought classics because I have an English and American Lit subject this semester.
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I bought The Railway Children for only P10! I don’t how much is that in dollars lol. It reminded me of The Boxcar Children, a series I loved as a kid. I bought Grimms’ Fairy Tales for the second time because I bought my first copy of it months ago for the girl I tutored.

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Yay for these super cheap classics from a local publisher! I only read A Christmas Carol as a graphic novel and watched The Jungle Book and loved it as a kid.

I received the following books for review:

The Ugly Stepsister by Aya Ling

Beautiful Curse by Jen McConnel

Kate Triumph by Shari Arnold

They all sound amazing and I can’t wait to get to them!


You might have missed…

(6/22) I joined Loony Literate’s Blog Hop! I answered very fun questions!

(6/25) I reviewed a book under the YA Contemporary genre with a bit of sci-fi in it! Intrigued? Read my review of Because You’ll Never Meet Me!


Cait shared the reason why she always finish books. I’m re-thinking my stance of DNFing books because of it!

Emily listed 18 reasons why we will love The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly. (The awesome side character has the same name as me! Well, Angel is only a nickname for me, but STILL.)

Why do book tour organizers only allow 3+ star ratings? Ashley tells us why! (I totally agree with her!)

Tell me how your week went!

4 thoughts on “The Angel Messenger: A Classic Haul

  1. Eeep! Thanks for linking to my post!! *flails wildly* AHH I LOVED the Railway Children when I was little. Totally top favourite book, and I had it on audio so I alternated between rereading it for the billionth time and listening to it. So much happiness. I pretty much had a quiet week (and weekend!) too, which is wonderfulness. My introverted heart is so glad for quiet. XD


  2. Good luck on the thesis! And wow I haven’t splurge on classics for a while now so maybe when I feel like reading classics again, I shall buy a lot lot lot haha. My week was pretty good. I finally did some reading and blogging. I was in a huge slump during June so I’m glad I’m in the mood to blog / read again.


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